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Strength by Fitness, just another day in life and gym.

Strength, Power, Endurance, Mobility, Aerobic Exercise. Athletic Performance, Hypertrophy, Yoga & Combat.

Strength by fitness healthy eating

Health & Aging.
Stress Management, Sleep, & Recovery. Our habits, mind & body create a lifelong ecosystem of vitality. Move those trajectories in the desired direction with our coaching help.

Strength by Fitness, Perpetual Habits are formed by regular choices.

Nutrition & Habits.
Crafting Healthier Habits, Fat Loss, Lean Muscle Mass, Better Strength, Endurance, Energy, Wellness & Mood with Easy habitual Choices. Such As Choosing Healthy High-Protein Foods.

The relentless onslaught of plastic pollution.

The relentless onslaught of plastic pollution.

Globally speaking, this disregard for cause & consequences becomes even more apparent in the way far too many still do not acknowledge the importance of a healthy planetary home and the fact-based suffering and harm we are causing both ourselves and our planet by our refusal to live in a sustainable way.

The blood-brain barrier and plastic pollution.
So, following this short introduction I have drummed up, we have finally arrived at the core of my article. Man-made plastic pollution and the way it encapsulates everything in our earthly home by now.

Even our brain.

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A fact-based conversation on the subject of supersets versus a traditional set approach.

A fact-based conversation on the subject of supersets versus a traditional set approach.

The agonist-antagonist super set is capable of cutting your workout time in half without falling too far behind the strength progression of a traditional workout plan. But, you can also make use of the way I do, which allows you to cram more high quality workout volume and sessions per week into the same gym time envelope of your regular workouts, without compromising on progression at all.

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Let us talk about Creatine.

Let us talk about Creatine.

The fact-based impact of Creatine Monohydrate on our health, fitness, well-being, and aging process. From strength, and intense gym, and sports capacity to cognitive function, the impact of Creatine supplementation is well-researched and understood and the case for daily, lifelong Creatine supplementation continues to increase.

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Let us talk about hypertrophy & physical capacity, and your fitness focus.

Let us talk about hypertrophy & physical capacity, and your fitness focus.

Welcome back dear readers to another fact-based article from the STYRKA team at Strength By Fitness. Today I´ll be a little philosophically provocative with many of you, after all in today’s aesthetically focused world increased hypertrophy is for many the main pillar in their fitness plans, and the oft unspoken reason they go to the gym at all. But is that really the best big pillar focus for your gym visits?

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Welcome To Our Podcast, Episode One.

Welcome To Our Podcast, Episode One.

The STYRKA Podcast from Strength By Fitness, your fact-based coaching in-person & online for a healthier life and better fitness progression, nutritional choices, and habits.

In Episode 1 we talk about the many ways that Mike Mentzer was wrong about exercise volume, frequency, protein intake, and recovery.

Also available on Spotify, .

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