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Strength by Fitness, just another day in life and gym.

Strength, Power, Endurance, Mobility, Aerobic Exercise. Athletic Performance, Hypertrophy, Yoga & Combat.

Strength by fitness healthy eating

Health & Aging.
Stress Management, Sleep, & Recovery. Our habits, mind & body create a lifelong ecosystem of vitality. Move those trajectories in the desired direction with our coaching help.

Strength by Fitness, Perpetual Habits are formed by regular choices.

Nutrition & Habits.
Crafting Healthier Habits, Fat Loss, Lean Muscle Mass, Better Strength, Endurance, Energy, Wellness & Mood with Easy habitual Choices. Such As Choosing Healthy High-Protein Foods.

The fact-based pillars of quality sleep & sleep related habits

The fact-based pillars of quality sleep & sleep related habits

At Strength By Fitness, we do not just coach nutrition and fitness, fat loss, performance and strength and all those things.

We work with fostering healthier habits too, and recovery and stress management are part of that, as is sleep.

So here are a few basic pillars that will let us improve your sleep quality and sleep cycle, and the many health metrics that in turn will improve.

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The Health & Mortality Outcome From Kidney Disease With A High-protein Intake.

The Health & Mortality Outcome From Kidney Disease With A High-protein Intake.

I have lately seen some health, nutrition & fitness conversations about protein intake and kidney disease. Expressing the good old fable that a healthy high-protein intake will be a bad thing for people with kidney issues.

And especially so the elderly.

But this is for most people a fable, based on a small grain of truth. Welcome to another fact-based deep dive from Strength By Fitness.

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Fat loss with or without exercise. The health and muscle mass outcome.

Fat loss with or without exercise. The health and muscle mass outcome.

Never be afraid of lifting weights as a woman or man who is currently out of shape, less fit, obese, or if you simply are a person with some excess fat to lose.

When you change your food habits in order to achieve a healthy amount of fat loss you will also lose some lean mass, including skeletal muscle mass, bone mass and organ mass. Welcome to a new article and study.

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The Myth. People become increasingly resistant to strength training as they age

The Myth. People become increasingly resistant to strength training as they age

We are living in a fact-free world where a ton of people tragically assume that as they grow old there is absolutely nothing they can do to maintain better health, and fitness, mobility and body composition relative to their sedentary peers.

This is not true, habits dictate how you age, dive right in and find out how you can enjoy a healthier second half of your life.

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The question. How do you best strength-train people above 60 years of age?

The question. How do you best strength-train people above 60 years of age?

This is how you train older clients for vastly better results and health.

In these studies, we see that roughly 12 sets in total per week of resistance training across two separate gym days track incredibly well.

Read on to uncover the secrets of successful strength training for the elderly. Load, rep range, rest and exercise choices, and why that is.

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Let us talk about the crossroads of body mass, muscle fibers, strength, speed, agility, and explosive power and how it is all connected.

Let us talk about the crossroads of body mass, muscle fibers, strength, speed, agility, and explosive power and how it is all connected.

Welcome to another Strength By Fitness article, today today we will talk about the crossroad of body mass, muscle fibers, strength, speed, agility and explosive power and how its all connected.

In short, this article will explore how you should train to become stronger, faster, and more explosive as an athlete and person.

This comes into play when your total mass is already too big for your relative strength to successfully power even faster, and more explosive movement.
Coach Mike, Strength By Fitness

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The relentless onslaught of plastic pollution.

The relentless onslaught of plastic pollution.

Globally speaking, this disregard for cause & consequences becomes even more apparent in the way far too many still do not acknowledge the importance of a healthy planetary home and the fact-based suffering and harm we are causing both ourselves and our planet by our refusal to live in a sustainable way.

The blood-brain barrier and plastic pollution.
So, following this short introduction I have drummed up, we have finally arrived at the core of my article. Man-made plastic pollution and the way it encapsulates everything in our earthly home by now.

Even our brain.

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Nutritional Coaching + Sustainability. This is why they need to go hand in hand.

Nutritional Coaching + Sustainability. This is why they need to go hand in hand.

Think of Earth as an almost closed-off circular system with a finite capacity to handle pollution, natural resource drain, loss, and imbalances.

Now take roughly 9 billion humans and add our environmental impact together, and you are left with the mathematical reason why sustainability matters.

Case A.

Beef requires roughly 20 times more land than nuts, and 35 times more than grains to produce the same amount of edible protein.

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A fact-based conversation on the subject of supersets versus a traditional set approach.

A fact-based conversation on the subject of supersets versus a traditional set approach.

The agonist-antagonist super set is capable of cutting your workout time in half without falling too far behind the strength progression of a traditional workout plan. But, you can also make use of the way I do, which allows you to cram more high quality workout volume and sessions per week into the same gym time envelope of your regular workouts, without compromising on progression at all.

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