strength by fitness


About this podcast episode

What happens when you cut fat through dietary changes only ( or GLP-1 ) versus what happens when you make the same food changes together with regular weekly exercise?

That is the topic for today’s conversational podcast and our article.

TLDR: Fat loss + strength training had by far the best outcomes in this study with a lot lower levels of muscle mass loss. Which will, over time result in better health outcomes too.

This conversational podcast, narrated by NotebookLM is based on a fact-based article from Strength By Fitness and our decade-long coaching.

We provide fact-based coaching for a vastly healthier life, fitness progression, and nutritional choices. In-person, and online.

Cited studies & articles

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Let us talk about the crossroads of body mass, muscle fibers, strength, speed, agility, and explosive power and how it is all connected.

Let us talk about the crossroads of body mass, muscle fibers, strength, speed, agility, and explosive power and how it is all connected.

Welcome to another Strength By Fitness article, today today we will talk about the crossroad of body mass, muscle fibers, strength, speed, agility and explosive power and how its all connected.

In short, this article will explore how you should train to become stronger, faster, and more explosive as an athlete and person.

This comes into play when your total mass is already too big for your relative strength to successfully power even faster, and more explosive movement.
Coach Mike, Strength By Fitness

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Long-term stress harms human health in a major way.

Long-term stress harms human health in a major way.

Long-term stress harms your health in a major way. But a healthy fact-based lifestyle mitigates a lot of that negative impact.

And just as you can learn to eat healthier foods, and create healthier food, exercise, and lifestyle habits you can also learn how to reduce chronic stress.

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Quick Meal: Protein Bars & How They Rank High In Satiety.

Quick Meal: Protein Bars & How They Rank High In Satiety.

Protein bars should not be your main protein pillar. But when you are in a pinch they are
easy to bring, quick to eat, and while one bar will not fill you up. Many protein bars deliver a moderate protein snack. Combine with milk, a fruit, and some chia seeds.

This quick meal: 55g of Protein & 372 calories.

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