Strength By Fitness – Better Exercise, Health, Nutrition & habits
Articles, Coaching & High-Protein Recipes
Outside of our unlimited, human led coaching you can also enjoy Strength By Fitness growing library of fact-based articles & healthy, nutritionally complete high-protein, SPC meals and recipes. Complete with nutritional information, a how to guide and my thoughts as a coach. With the fact-and-experience-based guidance of Strength By Fitness, everyone can adopt, and maintain healthy fitness, food, and lifestyle habits that´s guaranteed to work.
Kidney Disease, & High-protein Intake What´s The Health and Mortality Outcome.
Many health, nutrition & fitness conversations about protein intake and kidney disease express the good old fable that a healthy high-protein intake is bad for people with kidney issues.
And especially so the elderly.
This is for most people a fable, based on a small grain of truth. Welcome to another fact-based deep dive from Strength By Fitness.
Edamame Spaghetti Mince Bowl. 100 Grams Of Protein
Gluten-free, edamame pasta with vegan mince. 100 grams of protein, and a satiety range of 66 to 80 makes this a winner.
1 or 2 servings.
Edamame Spaghetti Salad. Big Satiety Meal.
Welcome back to a tasty, yet basic and easy-to-make Edamame Spaghetti Salad. This might not sound like it could end up as a protein powerhouse, but hey, it is a Strength By Fitness recipe, so it is, of course, loaded with taste, health and fitness-friendly ingredients, satiety, and protein
Roughly 646 calories and 76 grams of protein, and a satiety range of 66 to 80 with 40+ grams of fiber!
High-Protein Pancakes, Recipe No.2
Time for our second high-protein recipe. This time we have bumped the protein content to 90 grams without increasing total energy by much at all.
Enjoy the meal and stay healthy fit, and let us know which pancake recipe taste better.
Fat loss with or without exercise. The health and muscle mass outcome.
Never be afraid of lifting weights as a woman or man who is currently out of shape, less fit, obese, or if you simply are a person with some excess fat to lose.
When you change your food habits in order to achieve a healthy amount of fat loss you will also lose some lean mass, including skeletal muscle mass, bone mass and organ mass. Welcome to a new article and study.
Vegan Sweet Potato Casserole. High-Protein & Tasty
A plant-based Casserole with 70 grams of protein & 117 grams of whole plant-based carbohydrates. Boom, this is one tasty and healthy casserole. Pro tip for Thanksgiving day, eat this and not the popular junk food, marshmallowized poor health outcome version.
unlimited coaching led by human coaches for vastly better outcomes & adherence
Better Fitness & Health Comes From Adherence To Regular Exercise & Physical Activity.
These Habits Includes a Combination of Strength, Power, Endurance, Mobility, Aerobic Exercise. Athletic Performance, Hypertrophy, Yoga, Sports, Martial Arts, Walking, Sprinting, Biking, Running, and Climbing.
While Genetics Matter, There Are No Non-responders, & Adherence Is The Main Pillar That Everything Else Rely Upon, and That Is A Teachable Skill.
Our Ongoing Health, Fitness, Body Composition & Aging are simply The Results of Our Daily Habits.
Outside of Exercise, and Physical Activity, Other Things Which All Matter Include Stress Management, Our Sleep Schedule and Quality, Our Rest & Recovery. Daily Habits Like Taking a Morning Walk In the Sun, & Drinking Our Coffee Early.
Even Our Home Environment Matters. Through All of Life, Your Mind & Body Creates A Lifelong Ecosystem of Vitality. Move Your Own Trajectories In The Needed Direction With Strength By Fitness Coaching Help.
Our Daily Nutrition & Food Habits Are a Corner Stone In Our Lifelong Progression.
Crafting Healthier Habits, And Making Better Food Choices Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated At All. Best of All, It Will Result In Excess Fat Loss, Increased Lean Muscle Mass, Better Strength, Endurance, Energy, Wellness & Mood, and It Is Unlocked Through Effortless High-protein, Nutritionally Complete SPC Food Choices. Strength By Fitness Will Coach & Teach You How to Form, and Maintain These Fact-based Health & Fitness Promoting Habits For The Rest of Your Health-span.
strength by fitness
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