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Strength By Fitness

How do you deal with chronic stress and healthy lifestyle choices?

Welcome to another fact-based article from Strength by Fitness.

Long-term stress harms your health in a major way. But a healthy fact-based lifestyle mitigates a lot of that negative impact.

And just as you can learn to eat healthier foods, and create healthier food, exercise, and lifestyle habits you can also learn how to reduce chronic stress.

Regular exercise and stress.

Regular exercise adds acute stress. But this is a healthy form of stress that’s very beneficial for human health, and unless you exercise on such a high level and volume that it overwhelms your capacity for recovery exercise-related stress lowers the negative impact of long-term, chronic stress.

Food habits and stress.

Healthier high-protein, and nutritionally complete foods actually help your body deal with the negative impact of chronic stress too. And lower quality junk food makes the situation worse.

Long-term stress and overconsumption of foods is a very negative combo for health, fitness, and body composition.

This is a sinister and never-ending two-way cog wheel that feeds itself. Unless you change your lifestyle habits, ranging from food habits to exercise, stress management, sleep, rest and recovery.


stress & obesity

On the one hand, the accumulation of endless surplus body fat harms your health and makes you more exposed to the bad health outcomes of chronic stress while disrupting your body’s natural hormones and ability to handle stress. While on the other hand, chronic stress makes you more likely to overconsume food as well as make less healthy food choices.

Do you need help succesfully changing your lifestyle habits?

We provide coaching, online, and on-location, in-person.

Working beyond a full-time job takes a perpetual stab at your health.

Endlessly working too much is another incredibly negative stress factor. As are bosses and workplaces that demand that you are always available digitally.

Cutting down on always being connected lowers stress. Adopting regular exercise, healthy high-protein food habits and proper quality sleep also helps big time.

The value of rest and recovery that works for you.

As do understanding the value of you time and what makes for a good quality rest and recovery time for you.

Maybe it’s hiking in nature?
Reading a good book?
Or learning how to say no to over-socializing and alcohol?

Healthy habits can be learned and maintained. Strength By Fitness

you time to gym, sex, nature and going offline.

Or, perhaps your preference for a perfect quality rest, and recovery time is a weekly swim or calm alone, or couples time at home is what you need. Gardening? Cooking together, or on your own. Spending time with a pet? Have more mutually enjoyable, hot, and kinky sex?

More gym time? Or perhaps you are one of those that actually overdo the weekly exercise level & volume relative to what your capacity for recovery can currently handle.

Speaking of alcohol.

Many believe that alcohol helps destressing. And it might feel like that.

But alcohol consumption actually makes stress worse for your health. Not to mention that it do not help quality sleep either.

So less alcohol, or better yet, none at all is a much better choice.

Whatever is your thing is a powerful tool for improving health and reducing chronic stress.

strength by fitness. Just another Wednesday in life and gym.

Best of all.

Positive lifestyle changes don’t have to be big.

You can start as small as you need it to be, and progress over time and the positive impact over time will still accumulate and drastically lower chronic stress and its negative health outcomes for you.

A positive change that will reverberate across all metrics of health, fitness, quality of life, your health span, and body composition over time.


Do you need help making these impactful, fact-based lifestyle changes as you form better habits across health, fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle that are guaranteed to work for you for the rest of your life?

Get in touch.


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