This is you, right now.

About Course

Welcome to Strength By Fitness, Master Coach.

“This is you, right now” is your first step toward a healthier life-long journey before you become a client. Progress is not complicated, it starts with assessing your own habits, learning to adapting, and progressing bit by bit, over time.

This is how anyone can take steadfast, big pillar control over their ongoing trajectory in food consumption, health, aging, body composition, lifestyle habits, and fitness.

Outside of this free Strength by Fitness MasterCoach assessment and follow-up, you have our growing library of fact-based articles, healthy, high-protein, high-satiety recipes, and the podcast videos we produce right here at

Some of our content is public and some of it is locked away for paying readers and coaching clients.

When you are ready for more, we are happy to provide unlimited coaching for you too, privately, online, and in-person, on-location.

As we say, Train Well, Get Coached, Read An Article.

One final note.

When you complete this free “this is you, right now” assessment pay no attention to the automatic grading that will display your unique answers as right or wrong. There are no right or wrong answers with this assessment, because whatever way you live your life is the way it is, and that is the perfectly right answer for you.

As such, it is the later follow-up with you, from our coach team that´s the important feedback, and from there we will create your uniquely individual foundational blueprint. The reason our system provides an immediate grading comes down to the way we have to rate each option as right or wrong ( since we did not want to leave this assessment in the hands of open ended questions and answers.

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What Will You Learn?

  • This will allow Strength By Fitness Coach team to provide you with a cost-free basic, foundational blueprint for better habits across food, health, activity, exercise, sleep and recovery. Use our big-pillar blueprint for a vastly healthier you on your own, or together with paid coaching help.

Course Content

This is me.
In order to move forward in life in a better way with better habits, you first need to understand your current habits, and situation. So these questions are all about you. Once you´r answers have been submitted, Strength By Fitness coach team will manually assess and provide a meaningful blueprint of big pillar changes which you can adopt entirely on your own. But you can also take that blueprint with you to other coaches. or make use of it when you onboard with our coach team.

The Habits I Need And My Goals
This is the things you would like to get help with, in order to form better, and healthier habits. The easy big pillar stuff that provides 99% of improvements in food, fitness and health. This also happens to be the habits that everyone can learn to maintain for life, and if so, it always work.

Anything else you would like to tell us?
Here is your chance to include anything else you think we should know.