74g protein 

1 meal 

Strength By Fitness Recipes

High-protein, Tuna, Pasta & Potatoes.

Welcome to another health & fitness friendly high-protein recipe from Strength by Fitness.

The meal 


Welcome back to another, tasty high-protein and nutritionally rich recipe from Strength By Fitness coach team, Mike and Mida.
This time around it is time to provide our many omnivore clients & readers with a tasty, healthy, nutritionally rich omnivore meal.


So, say hello to our tuna + potatoes and pasta dish served with fresh or frozen veggies.




Roughly 74 grams of protein from 2 main protein sources.

1 can of Tuna ( Water is better than oil )
2 Whole Boiled Potatoes
40 gram Cooked Pasta
40 gram Green Peas
60 gram Broccoli
Half a sliced up tomato


1 glass of cold soy milk.

Strength by Fitness. High-Protein tuna, pasta and potatoes recipe.

cook, prep & plan

Another easy to make high-protein meal.
But first things first, boil your potatoes first of all since this will take you around 20 to 30 minutes in total.

While boiling your potatoes prepare another pot for the pasta and start boiling it before you finish the potatoes. Saving time makes for a profoundly better kitchen adventure :).

The perfect pasta should take you between 8 and 12 minutes depending on your preference & type of pasta.

Wash and slice up your tomato, micro the frozen veggies if needed. If not, cut and slice your veggies too, unless you eat them whole.

Serve it with the veggies and tuna on top of a tasty bed of pasta & boiled potatoes.

Perfection achieved.


  • Protein 74g
  • Whole Plant-Based Carbohydrates 80g
  • Fiber 12g
  • Added Sugar 0g
  • Fat 5g
  • Energy Intake 640 Calories
  • Satiety Range 51 to 65
Strength by Fitness. Healthy fit living, strength training, yoga aerobic exercise, nutrition, sleep, nature and coaching

the coach perspective

Nothing much to talk about here.
This is as basic as a filling and nutritionally rich high-protein meal gets to be. Plus it is quick, and easy to cook and prep too.

With that said pay attention to buying “sustainably” fished tuna. I put that in exclamation marks because there is a lot of wishful thinking behind most sustainable & cruelty free fishing industry claims. Not to mention poorly paid workers and in some cases even illegally caught fish and forced labor.

Commercial fishing is to put it plain and simple a very unsustainable and damaging industry worldwide. So maybe consider the sustainability aspect of it all and if you have options maybe you can choose to not consume fish every single day.

But having said that, this omnivore meal makes use of tuna because it is a very good protein choice, and it also provides an affordable source of healthy fats.

So, seeing how the world have plenty of omnivores out there and our preference to help people eat nutritionally sound and healthy high-protein foods no matter their food tribe we have chosen to provide our clients and readers with healthy, high-protein omnivore meals as well as our plant-based meals. It is after all much better to inform and guide people towards better choices than it is to neglect a large part of humanity.

satiety range explained

  • 0 to 20 Range. low nutritional completeness, low protein, excessive hunger. high energy. Avoid this junk food range.
  • 21-30. Ok as a weekly treat. If the rest of the week is high in protein & satiety
  • 31-40. Ok for occasional weekly meals.
  • 41-50 Very nice & balanced range as a daily staple. Good amount of protein, and nutrients versus energy.
  • 51-65- Rich in Protein, nutrients & Satiety. Exceedingly good range. Great daily driver.
  • 66 – 80. Even more filling and very rich in protein. Try it daily.
  • 81 to 100. Extremely filling with a colossal amount of protein. Can you make it a daily staple?

high protein + nutritional completeness makes for a much healthier you

The more protein people eat the better their health outcomes.
RT + Protein beats RT only. Strength By Fitness
Strength by Fitness, train well, be coached, read an article.

Cited study.

1. For every 3%-energy increment of added protein health outcomes improves across our entire health span.
Dietary protein intake in midlife in relation to healthy aging – results from the prospective Nurses’ Health Study cohort (nutrition.org)

2.Resistance Training with either RDA protein or 1.6g per kilo of bw and day.
Let us compare RDA protein Intake vs 1.6g/day and kilo of bodyweight. | Strength By Fitness

3. Global food deficiency in billions of people.

Global estimation of dietary micronutrient inadequacies: a modelling analysis – The Lancet Global Health

4. People with mild to moderate kidney issues have better health and mortality outcomes with high-protein.

strength by fitness


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