get master coached by us, online and
Strength, Power, Endurance, Mobility, Aerobic Exercise. Athletic Performance, Hypertrophy, Yoga & Combat.
Health & Aging.
Stress Management, Sleep, & Recovery. Our habits, mind & body create a lifelong ecosystem of vitality. Move those trajectories in the desired direction with our coaching help.
Nutrition & Habits.
Crafting Healthier Habits, Fat Loss, Lean Muscle Mass, Better Strength, Endurance, Energy, Wellness & Mood with Easy habitual Choices. Such As Choosing Healthy High-Protein Foods.
Paywalled Member Articles
Outside of our online and in-person coaching you can also enjoy our growing library of fact-based articles, recipes & plans.
Health & Planet: Animal-based high-protein vs whole plant-based foods.
The real issue with animal-based high-protein food choices is not about your individual health, nor is nutritional deficits. Assuming that you are in fact eating a healthy, nutritionally complete high-protein, high-satiety diet.
The issue is the planetary impact and indirect harm to all human beings.
The fact-based pillars of quality sleep & sleep related habits
At Strength By Fitness, we do not just coach nutrition and fitness, fat loss, performance and strength and all those things.
We work with fostering healthier habits too, and recovery and stress management are part of that, as is sleep.
So here are a few basic pillars that will let us improve your sleep quality and sleep cycle, and the many health metrics that in turn will improve.
At large the evolved primates that are homo sapiens display an almost hostile disdain towards healthy fit habits.
As evolved, educated, teachable, and acutely intelligent as the human species are, we are also, just as primal as every other animal species that still roam this planet.
The primal driver of pack mentality is why omnivores are seen as more socially acceptable than plant-based people.
Public exercise & Podcast videos from strength by fitness
strength by fitness
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